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ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ169† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ˆêƒCƒ`ƒm£ƒZ@@½ƒ}ƒRƒg Extracellular Bad Fused to Toxin Transport Domains Induces Apoptosis H15.4.16 “cŸºƒ^ƒuƒ`@˜a—YƒJƒYƒI
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ170† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ‹gƒLƒ` “cƒ^  —@ƒTƒgƒV Žjƒtƒ~ Histaminergic Effect on Apoptosis of Rat Small Intestinal Mucosa After Ischemia\Reperfusion  H15.4.16 “¡–{ƒtƒWƒ‚ƒg@ˆêáÁƒJƒYƒ}
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ171† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ¼ƒ}ƒc ‰iƒiƒK@Œ\ƒPƒC ŽiƒcƒJƒT Endoscopic Injection Sclerotherapy for Esophageal Varices in Cirrhotic Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma  H15.5.21 “¡–{ƒtƒWƒ‚ƒg@ˆêáÁƒJƒYƒ}
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ172† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN •½ƒ^ƒC@     ‰ÃƒJ ¢ƒˆ  Spatial relationship between Merkel cells and Langerhans cells in human hair follicles H15.6.18 ¬àVƒiƒŠƒTƒ@@Š°ƒJƒ“
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ173† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ˆäƒZƒC Œ´ƒnƒ‰@Œ÷ƒRƒEˆê˜YƒCƒ`ƒƒE  Masticatory function after jaw resection and rehabilitation with dental implants H15.6.18 Œã“¡ƒSƒgƒE@¹ºƒ}ƒTƒAƒL
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ174† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ‘åƒ_ƒC ¼ƒjƒV@—Tƒ†ƒE KƒTƒCƒƒC Morphological Changes of the Arterial Systems in the Kidney under Prolonged Continuous Flow Left Heart Bypass  H15.7.16 ˆÉ“¡ƒCƒgƒE@@—ƒƒcƒoƒT
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ175† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ¬ƒVƒ‡ƒE “íƒNƒX@’qƒ` •¶ƒuƒ“  Endoscopic injection sclerotherapy for esophageal varices in cirrhotic patients without  hepatocellular carcinomaFa comparison of longterm survival between prophylactic  therapy and emergency therapy   H15.7.16 “¡–{ƒtƒWƒ‚ƒg@ˆêáÁƒJƒYƒ}
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ176† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN _ƒJƒ~ ’Jƒ^ƒj  ®ƒiƒI •FƒqƒR Effects of E-cadherin transfection on gene expressions of a gallbladder carcinoma cell lineFRepression of MTS1/S100A4 ‚‡ene expression  H15.7.16 ‹{èƒ~ƒ„ƒUƒL@kƒ^ƒKƒ„Ž¡ƒW
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ177† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN “nƒƒ^ƒŠ 糃zƒgƒŠ  ŒbƒPƒC ŽqƒR Effects of extracellular matrices on F9 teratocarcinoma stem cellsFa crucial role of type IV collagen in the early stage of differentiation of F9 stem cells  H15.7.16 ™Œ´ƒXƒMƒnƒ‰@@•áƒnƒWƒ
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ178† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ’† ŽR  ‹` ”Ž Long-term results of coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with renal insufficiency
H15.10.15 ˆÉ“¡ƒCƒgƒE@@—ƒƒcƒoƒT
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ179† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN •x ‰i  ³ Ž÷ Detection and discrimination of preneoplastic and early stages of lung adenocarcinoma using hnRNP B1 combined with the cell cycle-related markers p16Ccyclin D1Cand Ki-67
H15.11.19 “¿‰iƒgƒNƒiƒK@@åUƒIƒTƒ€
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ180† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN •› “‡  ‹± Žq Nonionic contrast media are less nephrotoxic than ionic contrast media to rat renal cortical slices
H15.12.17 ƒ}ƒTƒL@‘P“ñ˜Yƒ[ƒ“ƒWƒƒE
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ181† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN r –Ø  ˜a –M Bronchial@cuff@pressure@change@caused@by@left-sided@double-lumen endobronchial  tube@displacement
H15.12.17 \ŽžƒgƒgƒL@’‰ƒ`ƒ…ƒEGƒVƒ…ƒE
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ182† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ‰º “c     —Ç Evaluation of endoscopic hemostasis with metallic hemoclips for bleeding gastric ulcerFcomparison with endoscopic injection of absolute ethanol in a prospective, randomized study H16.1.21 “¡–{ƒtƒWƒ‚ƒg@ˆêáÁƒJƒYƒ}
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ183† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ûü “‡  —R ‹I Frontal lobe dysfunction caused by multiple lacunar infarction in community-dwelling elderly subjects  H16.1.21 •“cƒNƒƒ_@N•vƒ„ƒXƒI
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ184† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ¬‰®¼  ˆÀ Žq A comparative analysis of human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 and expression of p53 gene and Ki-67 in cervical CvaginalCand vulvar carcinomas H16.1.21 ŠââƒCƒƒTƒJ@@ƒSƒE
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ185† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ‘ ‰ª      ~ Expression of ICAD-L and ICAD-S in human brain tumor and its cleavage upon activation of apoptosis by anti-Fas antibody H16.2.18 “cŸºƒ^ƒuƒ`@˜a—YƒJƒYƒI
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ186† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN » Œ´  r •F Variability of intra-and interspecific competitions of bamboo stump mosquito larvae over small and large spatial scales H16.3.17 –Ζ؃‚ƒM@Š²ƒ~ƒL‹`ƒM
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ187† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ¬ “‡  ¹ ‹M Effects of antioxidative agents on apoptosis induced by ischaemia-reperfusion in rat intestinal mucosa H16.3.17 “¡–{ƒtƒWƒ‚ƒg@ˆêáÁƒJƒYƒ}
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ188† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ‰“ “¡  L ‹M Intracerebroventricular adminis‚”ration of leptin-induced apoptosis in the rat small intestinal mucosa H16.3.17 “¡–{ƒtƒWƒ‚ƒg@ˆêáÁƒJƒYƒ}
ˆã”Ž‰³‘æ206† ˆãƒC@ŠwƒKƒN ŒÃƒCƒjƒVƒG “cƒ^@ @½ƒ}ƒRƒg @Identification@of@pleiotrophin@in@conditioned@medium@secreted@from@neural@stem@cells@by@SELDI-TOF@and@SELDI-tandem@mass@spectrometry  H17.4.20 “cŸºƒ^ƒuƒ`@˜a—YƒJƒYƒI